High street womens wear
Brands such as Topshop, H&M and Zara would be appropriate brands to use with the shoot as they are modern, 'fast fashion' brand retailers.

For this reason, they normally keep advertising to in and around the store so it is easily changable to keep up with their changing image.
These brands are also aimed to the lower to mid market consumers, particually fashion conscious women.
These brands also definatly carry the young, rock and roll element that comes across in the photos

Zara, for example, are one of the leading fashon houses globally.
Their sucess is down to their ability to follow fashion trends quickly through their products.
Zara also dont do much outdoor promoton due to tihs fact and focus on theitr store image.
Fashion led brands such as Hugo Boss, Burberry and Jean Paul Gaultier that also branch into the fragrance market, would also be appropriate to use with my photos.
Both brands us a lot of androgynous style advertising to promote their products, which are often lablled as unisex to attract both sexes.

This shoot shows a rock and roll/ street style image that I feel would identify with consumers more than a standard studio shoot.
Cosmetic brands such as Rimmel whom are lead by popular culture and
fashion trends use 'rock and roll street style' looks for their advertising campaigns.As with fragrence, they do a lot of outdoor advertising to generate brand awareness and tend to have bigger advertising budgets than high street fashion stores.
This is down to their products having a longer shelf life than clothing lines.
Fashion led brands such as Topshop whom have launched their own make -up range would also fit it with my shots. However, their advertising is still mainly store based and used on items such as shopping bags rather than billboards.
Another example is Burberry who have a luxury high end make-up range that also uses natural/ edgy street style photography, which again identifies with the consumer.
Womens formal wear/ tailoring

They also have big advertsing budgets, especially when it comes to their luxury/ classic ranges. Yet as they are fashion led, are still aimed at young professionals and still carry that fashionable 'Rock and roll' edge.
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